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Background overview

• The ArchiSign system is a client server software configuration consisting of two parts:
• ArchiSign Data Audit Trail Management System: Runs in the background and stores ArchiSign Settings, user accounts, audit records, and electronic signatures.
• Run Analysis software: Integrated with Archimed Analyzer run analysis software, users perform electronic signature, data logging, and report export through software related functions.

• System security:The user accesses the application. The default administrator account at installation creates an account and assigns roles. This administrator has permission to set up other ArchiSign user accounts.
• Audit:The ArchiSign module automatically audits user actions and changes to the ArchiSign module Settings.
• Electronic signature:Before performing a specific function, if the administrator requires the executor to comply with the electronic signature clause, you can set the electronic signature clause to require the electronic signature for any operation (such as running experiments and printing reports) to ensure data security audit.

• IQ(Installation certification)
• OQ(Operational certification)
• PQ(Performance authentication)
• For industries that involve laboratories such as pharmaceuticals and reagent development, product quality is of Paramount importance, and small inconsistencies can have disastrous consequences.Installation certification(IQ),Operational certification(OQ)and Performance authentication (PQ) is an important part of quality assurance through device authentication。

• Meet the customer's requirements for data audit trail.
• Can make the laboratory management standardization, standardization.
• An audit trail securely records the lifecycle details of data, enabling traceability of changes.
• The sub-account is completely in the hands of the manager, and the employee can withdraw the account after leaving, and all the information is completely retained.