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Deputy Mayor of Xuzhou and his delegation visited Rocgene Xuzhou production base
Recently, Gong Weifang, Deputy Mayor of Xuzhou City and Secretary of Tongshan District Committee, and his party went to Rocgene Xuzhou Production Base to exchange views on the production of epidemic prevention materials and provide in-depth guidance.

It is not the first time that Deputy Mayor Gong Weifang has visited the production base. Since the Rocgene production base was settled in Xuzhou, Deputy Mayor Gong Weifang has visited more than ten times and personally witnessed the production base from scratch and the production workshop from more than 3,000 square meters to the present. More than 10,000 square meters.

在生产基地负责人 戴涛戴总陪同下,一行人参观了新扩建的厂区,认真了解了Rocgene现有产品及未来产业规划,考察了新厂区车间生产情况,重点关注了生产基地产能及疫情影响下防疫物资生产原料供应、往来运输及员工生产生活物资保障情况。

Speaking of the production situation, Deputy Mayor Gong Weifang learned that the "Xuzhou Iron Army" has been working overtime to ensure production for the past few days, especially when Xuzhou is an epidemic control area. Thank you for the initiative of thousands of nucleic acid detection equipment.

After learning about a series of problems caused by the current epidemic prevention and control to production, Deputy Mayor Gong Weifang said that he will focus on the relevant situation, coordinate as much as possible, try his best to arrange production guarantee work, and assist Rocgene to deliver epidemic prevention materials as soon as possible. Every line of defense.

As a core supplier of domestic fluorescent quantitative PCR, Rocgene must shoulder its corporate responsibility in the face of the epidemic, and in the spirit of "iron army", it will spare no effort to maintain production and reduce the pressure on epidemic prevention and control. At the same time, we will continue to increase investment in R&D and production, continuously optimize product quality, and improve product lines to promote the rapid development of China's in vitro diagnostic industry.